Beauty Hair - How I grew my hair faster!
Cloves did not grow your hair? Try this instead! Better than cloves water !
Easy to prepare the end results of today's recipe is gonna blow your mind. In today's video, I'm going to show you an amazing hair growth treatment using only one natural ingredient.
When I did my big chap and chemicals damage my hair. Natural ingredients like these have helped me grow my hair much thicker and. Fuller I lost all my edges, but thanks to natural ingredients and other hair growth recipes, like the one I'm going to show you today, now my hair is flourishing. So if you really want to learn how to grow your hair, that is all we do on this blog. And make sure you're learning this article to the end.
Alright let's get into the recipe for today. So the main angry I'm going to use today is the babies. Bay leaves have so many great benefits for natural hair. So you've been sleeping on Bay leaves, girl, this is the time for you to go find yourself some Bay leaves. They have the dry Bay leaves and these are the fresh ones. Either of them works, but I just love to use these. The good thing I like about Bay leaves is they are easy to find and very affordable. You do not have to spend arm and legs getting some Bay leaves, just a few couples of money. You're going to get yourself some Baileys, and they work so well when it comes to hair growth, her finding or even hair loss. I'm going to tell you all about it, but let's start with the recipe. So I'll start by plugging my bill leaves. Make sure you plug everything from that stick, because we need them all. We need all those young leaves after getting them like, so you have to make sure to wash them guys. Make sure you wash them very well, especially the fresh ones. They sometimes have a lot of dirt on it, and you do not want that in your hair.
OK, so whenever you get your belly sliced, so just make sure you are washing them. Just to make sure I get all the dirt and bacteria and everything out of it before starting with this recipe. I'm just going to give you a quick wash for the second time and at this point I'm going to transfer it into my suspect. I decided to make a lot of this, so I can use it for about two weeks, so we do not have to make as much as I'm making. And remember, there is no measurement to this. This is a natural ingredient that works perfectly for your hair. So all you need to do is to grab yourself some Bay leaves. Depending on the quantity that you want to make, just add some water to it and bring it to a boil. So I'm going to allow these Bay leaves to boil for about 20 minutes or till I see the color change. So once you have your color lighters, it needs your Bay leaves is ready. It has all been extracted. So at this point I'm just going to leave it and allow it to cool down. I used to have relaxed perm hair and chemicals damage my hair, so I had to do the big chill. And thanks to natural ingredients. My hair is much thicker and fuller, and it's all flourishing. So make sure you try some of these recipes. Alright, so at this point I just trained my Bay leaf water, and I'm going to add some lavender oil. You do not have to add this. Remember I told you it's only one ingredient. So the most important of this recipe is the Bay leaves. But you can always add your essential oils to add some fragrance to your Bay leaves water and remember aside the fragrance of these essential oils. They also have their own benefits for natural hair growth. Lavender oil will treat your scalp and give way to new healthy hair growth and that is why I love using lavender oil in my recipes. But they're in the game. You do not have to add it. If you do not have it, you can just prepare your belly water and use it on your hair.
So at this point I made a lot of this water because I'm going to use it for about two weeks. I like to do this with my natural ingredients. Every now and then I always choose one natural ingredient. Sometimes I use clothes, sometimes Rosemary, but today is the Bay leaf. I use it for a course of about two weeks or sometimes a month, just to check, kind of challenge myself. And see how it helps me grow my hair. So today I'm doing that with my belief water. So I just pressed some in my spray bottle just to make it ready for it to be used. And I'm going to transfer the rest of it into a big bottle. There are so many ways that you can use this recipe for your hair growth, so make sure you are reading this article to the end. Once you have your billing water like so, do not leave it on the counter. Do not leave it outside. It might go bad. So make sure you keep it in the refrigerator alright. So whenever I bring it up from the refrigerator, and I'm ready to use it, I use it as a heroine and I transfer some into my messenger like so once I have it in my messenger, I first shampoo wash my hair. I condition my hair and rinse out the conditioner.
Then I go in with my Bay leaf water as my hair rings. When you use it as a hair rinse, you can either leave it in your hair for 40 minutes, cover your hair with a rubber cup and rinse it out, or you do not have to rinse it out, you can leave it in your hair. Go ahead and moisturize your hair and put in a protective style as usual. So it kept me the rest of my refrigerator, and I'm going to use it later. So if you have your hair dry, you just go in with your Bay leaf water just as you use any regular water. After they go in with the living condition, and you go in with your hair butter or your hair moisturizer, do not forget to massage it in and after that put it in A twist another way you can use those. Is to just pretend your hair.
Once you have your hair braided, or you have your hair protective hairstyle, you just have access to your scalp. Massage it in. Bay Leaf is a natural conditioner, so it helps condition your hair. It can also be used to fight bacterial and fungal infection. It can treat dandruff and also dry itchy scalp. When you add daily water to your hair care regimen to help stop hair loss and also treat your scalp and help you grow new healthy hair, it will help thicken your hair and make your hair much more beautiful.