The 5 Weight Loss Actions You Aren’t Following!
The weight loss process can be a grind. Most cases follow a similar model. You start off with enthusiasm — that you got this — and you can turn your situation around just as quickly as you can crush a double cheeseburger.
For most people, it’s a naive way of thinking, because what happens is, problems start appearing very early into the process. You might be able to avoid them initially, but there is no escape. It’s how you deal with them that will dictate your fate.
You see, most people go into free fall at the first sign of a rough patch along the road and invariably go back to their old ways before uttering the insignificant line — I’ll start again next week!
When the problems come, you really need to be able to handle them in a way that will benefit you in the long run. The concepts below will help you stay on course.
1- You Don’t Believe in Yourself!
If you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t achieve what you want to get done. It doesn’t really matter if other people believe in you. Sure, it’s nice for support, but they can't make you do the work.
You won’t take the appropriate action when you don’t have self belief.
It’s starts with you, and support can definitely be harnessed when times get tough. What is it that could be holding you back, and what is driving your lack of self belief? Fear of failure is a big problem. It’s the main offender that can hold you back and even worse, stop you from starting!
From the offset, you need to develop a mindset that you will stick to the plan, even when times get difficult. Getting work done when you don’t feel like it, is a very positive sign, and it’s this kind of work that will help you achieve real results.
2- You Don’t Track Your Progress
You need to track items such as your calories, macros, workouts, sleep, and alcohol intake. When it comes to calories, you need to keep it around maintenance or a slight deficit, depending on your workout regime.
What is the breakdown of your macros? This is a very important question — you should base your macros around a high-protein intake (.7 to 1 gram per pound of bodyweight) — and fill in the rest of your cals with what works best for you, whether that is high carbs and low fat, etc.
Get your protein intake right!
Track your workouts, what work are you getting done? What exercises are you performing? How do you sequence them? Are you getting stronger? This should become apparent in the first couple of weeks if you are. Having access to all this data will help you make better decisions
You should be aiming for 7 to 9 hours of restorative sleep. The body needs time to rest and recover, and to carry out essential work while you are in a deep sleep. How do you feel after a good sleep? Full of energy, right? You are fresh and are ready to attack the day.
Alcohol intake needs to be limited, people make too many bad decisions when drinking, eat more processed foods, etc. Alcohol and processed foods are a bad combination for weight gain. Along with cheat meals, you need to earn your alcohol.
3- You Can’t See The Endgame
Start with the end in mind, right? When you can envision what you want to achieve, it can make the path to getting there a lot clearer. It also provides you with motivation, that if you do what you're supposed to, you can get where you want to be.
However, be realistic with your goals, don’t be expecting too much too soon. It takes time to achieve real results, quick fixes are not the way to go. You will end back at square one when you are looking for shortcuts.
Also, don’t be too hard on yourself when you veer off course. Dust yourself off and tell yourself you are going to come back better. Some people can slip in a hole quickly when they start missing workouts and eating crap. Get back on track quickly!
4- Yes, You Just Can’t Say NO!
You have to be willing to say No to social gatherings, or if you attend, say No to alcohol and processed foods. There is a lot of peer pressure involved in these gatherings, and it’s easy to get caught up on the alcohol and processed party foods train.
Be disciplined, you can still have fun without the alcohol. Depends on how many of these gatherings you attend, if you are attending weekly, then you really need to say No from time to time.
Whereas, if you haven’t been to a gathering in a while, then, there isn’t a compelling reason why you shouldn’t be able to let the hair down. Live a little also, this is also required to get the right balance.
The underlying action point is changing your habits. This is what it boils down to, you need to be able to say No to alcohol, ignore peer pressure. You also need to say No to excess processed food and stop skipping workouts!
5- You Don’t Have Training Partners
The concept of a training partner or partners is something you really need to consider. Training with people who have similar goals can only be described as a positive step in the right direction.
You will find that you will push harder and give more effort when training with others. You can’t replicate this healthy sense of friendly competition when training alone. It’s also a way to fast track results in some regards, because training partners can offer constructive criticism or even tell you what works for them.
These kinds of interactions are priceless in some regards.
The hardest part is finding the right people, remember that your partners need to be travelling on a similar path. When this is the case, you will achieve better results.
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